Blog Layout

How to Start

James White • Feb 12, 2020

...and quit avoiding your goals!

The concept of writing a blog is not new. Blog was Merriam-Webster's word of the year in 2004, so I'm late to the party here. The reasons I've given myself to avoid this before:
 - I don't know how to start
 - I don't know what to write
 - I don't think anyone would be interested
 - I don't have enough time 
 - If it will cost me anything, I'm out

Ok fine, so HOW did I do it? Well if you're reading this, I guess that means... I JUST DID IT! 
I didn't overthink it. I didn't procrastinate. I didn't talk myself out of it. I ditched my excuses for 5 seconds - the time it took to open a text file on my computer and just start writing. I took the first step... well, wrote the first few words... and now here we are: Blog post #1: done. Blog: created. 

Take a second and think about something else you've been avoiding, you know that thing I mean, the one you keep telling everyone about but have never actually done anything about besides talk and daydream? It might be learning a new skill or language, getting in shape, or finding a new job. Whatever it is for you, read the list of excuses above again and see if you've been undermining your own ability to achieve. Nobody is stopping you but you. 

So here it is: Just, start. 

President Harry S Truman sums it up simply: "Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction".  
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